Raphael Unknownhorrors

artist. writer who never shares their writing. psychology (derogatory) student. anarchocommunist. probably not human. menace to society.


  • 22

  • they/them

  • white

  • gentile, converting to judaism

  • nonbinary butch (transmisogyny exempt)

  • adhd + autistic, disabled, mentally ill, polyfrag DID system

  • not super into astrology but im gemini sun, gemini rising, aries moon

  • taken

Before You Follow

Do Not Interact If:

  • usual dni criteria (racist, transphobic, homophobic, terf, truscum, etc)

  • swerf

  • pro-ship/anti-anti

  • evangelical christian (you believe that you have a responsibility to convert others to christianity)

  • anti-theist

  • zionist


  • Horror *

  • the silt verses *

  • what we do in the shadows *

  • revolutionary girl utena

  • the magnus archives

  • podcasts

  • literature

  • Star Wars

  • punk music/fashion

  • infinite ever-changing fandoms and interests. if ur wondering if im into something feel free to ask

* current special interests